Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Religion Unlisted

It wasn't a big change on the social media. Privately changing my listed religion from Christian/ Buddhist to simply Buddhist.

The change of heart though... THAT was amazing.

It was this discovery within the last couple weeks that I didn't literally believe in much of the Bible at all. The change really hit my heart when I realized I didn't believe that Jesus Christ is my savior.

Not because I think I'm perfect. Far from it. But what kind of God would make an imperfect being [like myself or the BILLIONS of other people] and then demand perfection? To top that off in order to satisfy that need for perfection, He gives up His only PERFECT Son to quench that thirst?

The whole notion of "sin" has pretty much gone away. Yeah there's laws I keep because they are my truth:
1) I still love/ honor God because I still believe in Him [or Her or It]. I see it in nature.
     I see it in my fellowman. I see it in the heavens. I hear it in a song.
2) I still will endeavor to love my fellowman to the fullest possible capacity
I thought the notion of letting go of Jesus would be a scary thing. I thought I would be afraid of hell and damnation. I'm not. I'm more afraid of what others [my Christian friends and family] would say if they knew. That's a big chunk of people for me.

I don't particularly feel like being preached at [because I know that's what would occur from several people.] I've heard enough Bible pounding for several lifetimes. So for now, while I build my strength and learn some more about my new found belief system, I lay quietly in my faith.

I will confess it is a hard thing to do because I'm usually the one calling people out on their stuff. And there's been plenty of stuff to call people out on, but I cannot explain it to them without there being Another discussion. One which I'm not quite prepared for.

1 comment:

  1. perfect and beautiful! I love it....

    PS...I have one of those coexist stickers on the back of my van! ;-)
