Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Cacophany

Sometimes it's beautiful, other times all I can do is retreat back in shock & horror...

All these people with all their religions/ faiths/ walks- whatever you want to call them.

They swear what they believe is true. That their solution of how the world makes sense is the ultimate reality.

  • The world was created in literally seven days.
  • The world was created because of a sonic boom
  • The world is floating around the the back of a turtle
  • The world is the dream of the gods
  • Mankind is naturally sinful, have to repent and have that sin taken away to enter unto God.
  • Mankind will live many lives and become gods and goddesses.
  • Mankind will cease to be after this life.
So many conflicting stories. It seems most believers equally certain of their tale. Many believers unwilling to look at could part of what they believe be wrong? [Even if just a little bit.] All fighting, warring, committed to help others "see the truth" even if by force if needs be.

My question is, if it's truth, then why do you need to force them? Is it really the end of the world if not everyone knows it, because there's bound to be someone who misses the REAL truth of how this world came to be, the existence [and nature] of god, and what is in the hereafter. Yes the world is small now because of the fast technology at our finger tips, but it was not always so, and some parts of the world are still far off because they have not that [at their fingertips.] I cannot believe God can be so cruel and unjust. Nature doesn't expose God for what he or she is. It is something that has to be assumed with the best data given.

I know my ideas about god and this world have changed a number of times. It will probably continue to change as my understanding/ knowledge increases.

Amidst the cacophony is one sweet note that all of them share. That is where I will [and do] live- love. Service. Self-sacrifice. Not because I know of [or desire] some great reward, but because I know that is what's right. I will continue to prune the wrong notes in my own life until all that is left is a beautiful melody saying simply "It is good to do good. Be the good."


  1. Trying to do good - not because others expect it from us - but simply because it resonates with our heart and soul. What a beautiful place to start. Any faith committed to this approach has a lot going for it. Best wishes.

  2. Lola, I love this! And I think you pose some excellent questions. Why work so hard to force others to believe in one truth? Is the damage done from such an approach worth knowing everything?
